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Chlorine Boost Memory

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Chlorine is found in many foods such as fish, eggs, liver, chicken, milk and certain legumes such as soybeans and red beans. People who consume a lot of chlorine in the food will get a score better on memory tests.

This conclusion is obtained researchers from Boston University School of Medicine is evaluating the data from the research on cardiovascular health of nearly 1,400 adults aged 36-83 years.

Participants were given food questionnaires from 1991 to 1995. Then in 1998 and 2001, participants underwent tests of memory and other cognitive abilities, the participants also underwent an MRI brain scan procedure.

The study found that men and women that a lot of chlorine intake scored better on memory tests than those in a bit to eat foods that contain chlorine.

These findings suggest that people with a lower intake of chlorine is more likely to experience mental decline than it gets more chlorine intake.

In addition, people with high intake of chlorine were less likely to show the white area on the MRI scan of his brain. The area is considered a sign of vascular disease in the brain that could be a sign of increased risk of stroke or dementia.

"These findings add to evidence that the food you eat can affect how long the brain function," said senior researcher Rhoda Au, from Boston University School of Medicine.

However, it does not mean that chlorine is the answer to ward off Alzheimer's, a disease that steals memory 26 million people around the world.

Numerous studies have found links between diet and risk of Alzheimer's. Some experts suggest Mediterranean-style diet may protect brain function. Mediterranean-style diet consists of foods that are rich in fish, vegetables and fruits, whole grains and unsaturated fats like olive oil.

However, this finding does not mean to prove that chlorine directly protect the memory against changes in the brain that is not healthy. One possibility is that there are several other nutrients along with chlorine was a bigger role.

Nutrition is the fuel of the brain chemical acetylcholine, a chemical that deliver electrical signals in the brain and plays an important role in the functioning of memory and other mental functions. Low levels of acetylcholine associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Experts recommend that men should get the intake of 550 milligrams of chlorine per day, while women get senbaiknya intake of 425 milligrams per day.

9 Disease Due to Technological Progress

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Technology does offer convenience in the activity. But convenience is not necessarily without consequence. Research has found there are some health problems due to the use of technology in everyday life ranging from depression up to narcissism.

The nine diseases caused by technological progress, namely:

1. Hypersensitivity to Electromagnetic Waves from Wifi to Signal Phone

From wi-fi signal to a cell phone, people are surrounded by wireless communication. And for some people, exposure to electromagnetic fields can make the illness. Symptoms range from acute headaches and skin-burning up muscle twitching and severe pain.

An estimated 5 percent of Americans believe that they suffer from this condition and some of them have moved away to areas where wireless communication can dikonrtol strictly controlled to avoid problems.

2. Depression Facebook

Earlier this year, a group of physicians in the U.S. warned that teenagers can become so obsessed with Facebook and the expense of his health.

American Academy of Pediatrics states that neglected children on social networking sites would be more depressed than ignored in real life.

This organization warned of the risk of mental health of children who are victims of cyber-bullying and confirms that the use of some of the websites in the long run can affect sleep patterns and level of self-esteem.

3. Repeated strain injuries which caused a lot of Typing on Keyboard

Usually factory workers, tailors and musicians who had the most at risk of developing repetitive strain injuries. But today's office workers can suffer similar problems due to spending too much time using the keyboard.

The use of fingers, wrists, arms and shoulders repetitively can cause damage that can not be repaired by the body from time to time. Preventive measures such as regular breaks are recommended.

4. Headaches Due to Mobile Phone

For years, experts engaged in a fierce debate over whether cell phones dangerous or not. But studies have shown no relationship between headache and the use of mobile phones.

Research commissioned by mobile phone manufacturers in 2008 and found that a phone call shortly before bedtime can affect sleep quality can cause headaches the next day.

5. Internet Addiction

Many psychiatrists today that offer treatment for Internet addiction and has been treating patients who say that the online world has taken over his life.

According to U.S. psychiatrist, Jerald Block, the condition must be seen as a clinical disorder to see the ever increasing number of people who are addicted to gaming and pornography on the intenet.

6. Reduced Loss due to musical instruments such as Ipod

Some diseases may be new technology over troubling for 10 to 15 years. But already more than 30 years since it first raised concerns that listening to loud music through speakers may damage hearing.

The iPod has replaced the Walkman, but concerns remain the same. France has banned the gadget manufacturers to manufacture earphones that produce noise exceeds a certain level.

7. Play Nintendo Wii injury time

When the Nintendo Wii was first released, people of all ages are excited to try this game that replaces the 'stick' that ancient. The problem is many people who enjoy playing Wii games to lose track of time, causing muscle spasms.

8. Drunk from Game or Movie 3D

A study released by the Association of Ophthalmologists in the United States have found health problems due to television and 3D games. A quarter of users reported experiencing eye strain, blurred vision, dizziness, headache, or nausea after viewing 3D content.

People who experience such symptoms of drunkenness are highly susceptible to visual tricks that are used as a trick of visual technology.

9. Narcissism on Social Networking Sites

A study published earlier this year by two U.S. academics who find students who are getting fatter more selfish than previous generations because of the influence of modern technology.

Students of today are also more likely to display less narcissistic behavior and show empathy seeprti displayed in behavior or habit of constantly updating social networking sites.

In that study, he found more likely to do this, although they are assumed not to use technology more often than women.

Aerobics To Shrink Stomach

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Many people who are not obese but have a distended abdomen, while abdominal fat is more dangerous than fat elsewhere in the body. Aerobics is the best way to mengempeskan distended stomach.

A new study conducted at Duke University Medical Center found that aerobic exercise is the best way when you're struggling mengempeskan distended abdomen.

Distended stomach or abdominal fat is scientifically known as visceral fat or fatty liver which is located deep in the abdominal cavity and filling the space between the internal organs. These fats have been associated with risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

"When fat increases the risk of health, accumulated fat in the body becomes more important than how much fat you have. Our research aims to identify the most effective form of exercise to get rid of unhealthy fats," said Cris Slentz, Ph.D. , exercise physiologist and author of a study published the American Journal of Physiology.

When researchers at Duke University Medical Center perform a direct comparison between aerobic exercise, strength training (like lifting weights) and a combination of both, researchers found that aerobic exercise is an exercise of the most effective and efficient way to get rid of belly fat is most dangerous for health.

"Exercise is very good power to increase strength and streamline the body mass. But if you are overweight and want mengempeskan fat in the abdomen, aerobics is a better choice because it burns more calories," Slentz continued.

67 pc of aerobic exercise burns more calories than strength training like lifting weights or weight training that is widely available in the fitness center (gym).

Remove Dreamed Traumatic Memories

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Dream was not just a flower bed. According to recent studies dreaming is the body's natural mechanism to erase memories of unpleasant events or even traumatic.

Several studies have linked that 20 percent of our sleeping dream containing also called REM sleep. Dreams are something that is important in the functioning of human memory.

In a brain scan on the 35 participants revealed that people who sleep with a good quality to have brain activity of the amygdala is lower. Amygdala is associated with emotion, while the forebrain associated with rational thought.

Before the sleep study participants were shown 150 images designed to provoke an emotional response. Then half the participants were allowed to sleep soundly tonight. Apparently they are not sleeping too well remember the horror pictures ever.

Scientists think that chemical changes in the brain when a person is in REM sleep (dreaming) effect on memory.

"During REM sleep there is a decrease norepinephrine, brain chemicals associated with stress," said Dr.Matthew Walker, who conducted this research.

He added, when the brain reprocess the emotional experience, but in conditions of low norephinephrine substance, then the next day we'll wake up in the emotion that is lighter on the incidence of previous unpleasant.

"So we will feel more comfortable and able to face the unpleasant experience it," he said.

Bad Habits that Make Fast Old Faces

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What kind of people's faces when old, it depends how he lived when young. Older people who are still fit in his old age mostly by choice and a good lifestyle early on. Because some habits can make people look old fast look.

Certain lifestyle choices can make us look and feel older than actual age.

Here are eight causes that accelerate the aging process as reported by EverydayHealth.com.

1. Smoke
It's no secret that smoking is bad for health. But rarely are aware that smoking can also ruin the appearance.

Research shows that in addition to shortening of life by increasing the risk of heart disease and lung cancer, smoking can activate an enzyme that breaks down skin's elasticity. Even for people who are not heavy smokers, fine wrinkles and skin may appear pale due to smoking.

2. Accidents Diet
Many women who want to quickly lose weight as much as 4-5 kg ​​of the anniversary or important event. Being slim fast is tempting, but the crash diet is not a good thing.

Diet is not instant long-term solution, it can even be a threat. Research shows that diet can make the body feel older because of reduced energy, disrupt concentration, and make depressed and irritable.

Crash diets can also cause wrinkles and sagging skin due to aging of the skin, reduced elasticity, and the lack of adjustment of the skin with weight loss.

Weight management is important for the health of the elderly, but try not to lose weight more than 0.5 - 1 kg a week.

3. Sleep Deprivation
The body needs time to sleep seven or eight hours each night for optimal health. Lack of sleep can make the body not functioning properly, can also cause weight gain and lead to health when older.

If you have reasonable hours of sleep but still feel the lack of sleep during the day, consult with your doctor to find out the possibility of sleep disorders like sleep apnea are common in the elderly.

4. Avoiding Fruits and Vegetables
The older, the body needs fewer calories. To produce healthy aging and reduce wrinkles, eat food from a source of nutritious calories.

The best sources are fruits and colorful vegetables. Be sure also to consume fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids for a healthy heart, and lots of fiber from whole grains.

5. Holding grudges
Life is too short and precious to bury old grudges. Mengikhlaskan and forgiveness can make life longer and more productive.

Research shows that forgiveness can lead to physical wellbeing, psychological, and spiritual better. The benefits include lowering blood pressure and reduce depression, stress and anxiety.

6. Stress
Research has shown that releasing stress can help the body to reduce mental disorders and keeping the mind young. Try to identify the causes of stress and find ways to avoid or mitigate its effects through relaxation techniques like meditation or exercise.

7. Most sit
Regular physical activity is important for healthy aging, prevent heart disease, and keeping stress levels remain safe. One of the main reasons for exercising is to prevent injury.

Injury can restrict movement and potentially threatening the health of the elderly. Research shows that 30 minutes of walking three times a week can reduce the risk of falls, the leading cause of injury in the elderly.

8. Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol level was reportedly in good health. But for the elderly, as much as what is being considered? According to the American Geriatrics Society, more than one drink a day at the old man and half a glass to the old lady was too much.

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to decreased mental function and may lead to falls. Alcohol can also interfere with the efficacy of some drugs. Ask your doctor how much alcohol is safe for the elderly, if any.

Somewhat Old Psychopath Keep Thinking Before Speaking

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A psychopath is fully aware of his actions. Psychopathic behavior sometimes even quite charming, polite and rarely to be emotional. Psychopaths who rarely spoke spontaneously because every talk he will need time to think.

Recent research conducted Michael Koenigs, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health found differences in the brains of psychopaths and speech patterns may explain the anti-social behavior.

To examine the involvement of emotion from speech patterns, researchers looked at a number of factors. These factors include how often psychopaths describe his crime by using the past tense. Tells the thrilling events of the past can be an indicator of psychological detachment.

The researchers also found that interfere with speech dysfluencies in psychopaths. Dysfluencies indicates that the speaker takes some time to think about what they would say.

According to new research results, the differences in psychopathic brain may help explain their anti-social behavior. The new results have been published in the latest issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.

Psychopaths are not the same as insane, schizophrenia, or psychosis as a psychopath is fully aware of his actions. Symptoms alone are often referred to as psychopathy, psychopathic patients are often referred to as a madman without mental disorders.

Psychopathic symptoms Diagnosis requires strict observation and in-depth interviews are needed, as well as other observations. Experts estimate that about 1 percent of the world population was diagnosed as a psychopath.

Research conducted to look into the minds of psychopaths have shown differences in brain structure psychopath. In addition to the differences found in brain structure are also found differences in speech patterns of psychopaths.

In the study conducted brain scans on psychopaths imprisoned Wisconsin. Researchers found a weak relationship between the parts of the brain associated with empathy and decision making. Section is known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), and other parts of the brain.

By using two types of images, the researchers compared the brains of male prisoners who are diagnosed as a psychopath with detainees who are not diagnosed with a psychopath.

In the prisoners psychopaths, the researchers found a weak association between the vmPFC and other parts of the brain, including the amygdala. The amygdala itself is associated with emotions, memory and fear.

"Interaction between vmPFC and amygdala are believed to underlie the regulatory aspects of emotion, aggression, and the strength of stimulus associations," the researchers said as quoted by FoxNewsHealth.

The study was based on previous research. Previous research conducted by Koenigs and Joseph Newman, a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The results of previous studies showed psychopaths respond to retrieval tests in a way resembles a patient who suffered damage to the vmPFC.

"Two structures in the brain, which is believed to have a function to regulate emotions and social behavior, apparently did not communicate properly. So emotional and social behavior of people with psychopaths can be very different from normal people," said Koenigs.

Opponent Influenza with This Food

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Although the flu is a disease that easily found in everyday society, but this disease can reduce productivity. Especially for those with bad immune systems, exposed to the flu virus can cause them to have rest days in bed.

According to Wendy Bazilian, a public health physician and registered dietitian, there are some diet that is believed to have the ability to fight the flu. These foods work by strengthening the immune system as well as against bacteria and viruses.

1. Pumpkin
As with other orange vegetables, like sweet potatoes and carrots, pumpkins are very high content of beta-carotene - a powerful antioxidant that helps build the body's cellular defense system, Bazilian said.

2. Kiwi
One medium kiwi fruit supplies more than one day requirement of vitamin C, more than oranges. Some other foods high in vitamin C include red peppers, kale and broccoli. Put at least 1-2 vitamin C rich foods in your daily servings.

3. Protein
"Foods such as poultry meat and beans has been associated with increased immunity. They are the best sources of protein, zinc and iron, which is an essential nutrient for an effective immune response," said Bazilian. In general, healthy adults should meet the needs of 5-7 ounces of cooked meat, poultry or fish, or about 1-2 cups of cooked dry beans in the daily menu

4. Yogurt
Research shows that foods and beverages that contain probiotics, or live bacteria, can treat and prevent some diseases and help boost our immune system. In some types of food, bacteria can not survive in the processing, so it is important to read labels to ensure that the product contains live and active cultures.

5. Milk
During cold or rainy season, most people do not get enough vitamins from sunlight. In fact, vitamin D is essential for immunity. It is important to seek other sources of vitamin D through fortified milk, cereals and juices, as well as salmon, tuna and egg yolks. Enter at least 2-3 servings of foods rich in vitamin D every day.

8 The disease is characterized Tingling

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Most people never experience tingling when sitting cross-legged for too long or fall asleep with his head crushed. This condition also occurs when pressure on the nerve that goes right. However, the numbness will go away when the pressure is not there anymore.

Pins can also be indicative of many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pinched nerves, impaired blood flow in the peripheral blood vessels, and blood disorders. There are times when those who have not known to have diabetes, tingling may be an early symptom of diabetes known.

Paresthesia or numbness is often a symptom of chronic neurological disease or traumatic nerve damage. The cause is a disorder that affects the central nervous system such as stroke and mini stroke, multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, and encephalitis.

Tumors and vascular lesions of the brain or spinal pressure can also cause paresthesia. Neurological syndromes such as carpal channel syndrome (CTS) can damage the peripheral nerves and cause paresthesia accompanied by pain.

Here are a number of diseases characterized by symptoms of tingling.

1. Diabetes mellitus (DM)
In patients with DM, tingling is a symptom of damage to blood vessels. As a result, blood flow in the nerve endings is reduced. This condition can be overcome by controlling blood sugar levels closely, also taking drugs such as gabapentin, vitamin B1 and B12.

2. Stroke
Tingling can be a sign of a mild stroke. Usually caused by blockages in blood vessels in the brain, resulting in damage to local nerves. Other symptoms that occur: numbness half body, half body paralyzed, blind one eye, difficulty speaking, dizziness, double vision and blurred.

Symptoms last a few minutes or less than 24 hours. Usually occurs during sleep or just waking up. This condition should be treated because it can develop into a severe stroke.

3. Heart disease
Tingling neuropathy is not only due to pressure, but because of cardiac complications with her nerves. In patients undergoing cardiac valve surgery installation, there are blood clots that stick. Clot that can be carried by the flow of blood to the brain, causing cerebral embolic.

If the blockage in the brain regions that regulate the sensory system, the patient will feel a tingling right. If the local governing motor system is also affected, the tingling will be accompanied by paralysis.

4. Infections of the spine
This causes the body from the navel downwards can not be moved. Patients could not control urination. Bowel movement was difficult. This disease called myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord). Level of recovery depends on the damage. Can recover some, but there is also a paraplegic.

5. Rheumatism
This disease can cause tingling or feeling thick. In this case due to a pinched nerve at the hinge joints, such as the wrist joint, change shape. Tingling symptoms usually disappear when cured rheumatism.

6. Spasmofilia
Symptoms of tingling can also be a sign of disease spasmofilia. The disease is caused by calcium ion levels in the blood decreases. The reason is the decrease of carbon dioxide tension in the lungs. Other symptoms: leg cramps, insomnia, emotional instability, fear, weakness, headaches or migraines, and lost consciousness.

7. Guillain-Barre syndrome
Tingling could be one indication of this disease. Marked symptoms of high fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Also followed by tingling and numbness. Tingling sensation usually felt in the whole body, especially on the tip of the toes and fingers due to virus attacks the peripheral nervous system.
If things were not addressed, will continue to attack vital organs. As a result, the patient felt shortness of breath and was paralyzed on the entire body.

8. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
There is a tingling sensation that preceded severe flu. Tingling will increase in intensity starting from the tip of the finger, creeping up to the navel. Patients may simply feel numb or to difficulty walking, means inflammation of the spinal cord is taxable. This is due to virus attacks, typically cytomegalovirus.

Shrinking Stomach Tips

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Shrinking Stomach Tips and abdominal organs was not large but has the ability to stretch and shrink according to the amount of food eaten at that time. If you consistently consume food in large portions, your stomach will gradually continue to stretch and you will need more food to make it feel full. How to shrink the stomach that can be tested is that you should still eat 3x a day with small portions. You still need to eat to keep your metabolism slows down because you do not reduce food intake drastically.

Here are ways how you can do to shrink the stomach:

1. Eating breakfast is about 200 calories.
This can consist of a piece of toast with a little butter, one egg omelet and a half glasses of milk.

2. Eat a healthy snack.
Fresh fruits, fibers existing in the fresh fruit will make you fuller longer.

3. Lunch is about 400 calories.
Approximately half of the average size of the portion of Indonesian people during lunch.

4. If after 2 or 3 hours from lunch that you're feeling hungry again so please take your fresh fruit as your snack.

5. Dinner is just 400 calories alone.
These foods are usually the most difficult to maintain 400 calories, especially if you're eating out, soon you're trying to remember how to shrink belly fat.

It should if you have tried diets that are taught over in the morning since you will not easily hungry in the afternoon. If you have difficulty with adjusting the diet would not hurt you milirik nutritional diet program that simplifies the pattern of food, especially for those with limited time.

In addition to dietary adjustments, shrink belly fat and also assisted with sports, sports that are doing cardio. Cardio exercise (also called cardiovascular exercise) is very effective in burning calories. Because when your body burns calories automatically fats in the body is reduced, one of the favorite places are accumulating fat in the abdomen. do the exercise as a way to shrink your belly fat.

When you have set your diet, then you have done the exercise, there's still that need your attention to shrink belly fat. Consider your habits without realizing that contributed to the emergence of a distended stomach, so pay attention to these habits as a way to shrink the stomach.

How to shrink the stomach is distended by not doing bad habits

In addition to running these tips shrink belly fat, you'll get maximum results if you also avoid the counter-productive habits to shrink belly fat program.

Consider what it must be avoided for the sake of the success of your program

1. Avoid skipping meals.
So you should eat at least 3 times a day, but of course with a low calorie but full of nutrients.

2. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
If you have trouble, you kurangin household consumption of alcoholic beverages.

3. Do not abstain from consuming a diet with protein.

4. Do not eat (snacks or dinner) for less than 3 hours before you sleep.
So if your sleep is 22 hours, then eat your meal the maximum is 19 hours.

5. Enough sleep.
Lack of sleep, including habits that are contrary to shrink the stomach tips, daily adult takes 6-7 hours of sleep to rest after a day of activity.

The Best 10 Ways to Diet Healthy & Simple

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10 Ways to Diet Healthy & Simple and it is important to note that diets do not just to get the ideal posture. Diet is set to maintain a healthy diet. Ideal posture that became one of the characteristics of a healthy body. The body is too thin nor too fat body which are both risk factors for disease occurrence.

Here are tips to keep healthy and get the ideal body shape.

1. First of all recognize your own body.
Stop comparing with the body of your friends. As you know the workings of the body itself, it will be easier to meet what they need.

2. Eat regularly with the menu and the portions are adequate.
As the saying goes, "Eat before hungry and stop before full."

3. More consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Slim people eat an average of more than one serving of fruit and eat more fiber and less fat than obese people. That the results of research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2006.

4. Do not forget breakfast
Start your day with a breakfast menu and the portions are adequate. This will help reduce your calorie intake throughout the rest of the day.

5. Expand Drinking water.
Inadequate water you need at least 2 liters per day.

6. Energize.
Make it as an activity that can not be compromised lagi.Ber-aerobics with favorite music can be a fun activity. Invite families to come to move. Initially perhaps a little strange to hear it. But once you start, you might forget to stop.

7. Sugar-Free
Try two weeks without sugar. It feels wonderful knowing your appetite which usually can not keep to gradually disappear.

8. Do not engage in extreme measures.
Extreme measures such means did not eat for lean in quick time. It is best to eat in small portions, which includes three nutrients needed by the body and two snacks each day for a more efficient metabolism.

9. Brush your teeth immediately
After dinner, brush your teeth immediately to remind yourself that the meal is over.

10. Never compensate for feelings to food.
Habit does very well when we overeat at times we're feeling bad or too excited. In general, people who are too carried away just a bit hard to control his diet.

Skin Wrinkles Signs Start Porous Bones

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Skin Wrinkles Signs Start Porous Bones and want to know the health of the bone without any hassle? Just check the wrinkles on your face. The more the lining, the worse your bone density. This is especially true for menopausal women.

Bones and skin are built by a group of proteins called collagen. Age will reduce the amount of collagen so that skin elasticity is reduced and skin come into wrinkles. Decrease the amount of collagen will also affect the bones.

In his research, dr. Lubna Pal, reproductive endocrinologists from Yale School of Medicine conducted a study of 114 women in her late 40's and early 50's years. The women are known to menstruate in the last three years and not taking hormone medication. These women also did not perform cosmetic procedures for skin tightening.

In addition to asking respondents to assess their own levels of wrinkles on their faces, especially the face and neck, the researchers also measured the elasticity of skin with a device called a durometer. The researchers also measured the bone density by X-rays.

The result, women who have wrinkles at most proved to have the worst bone density than women whose skin is still supple. Pal said, still more in-depth study is needed to ascertain whether the risk of osteoporosis later determination can be done by looking at the condition of the skin.

Prostate Cancer and Smoking, Deadly Combination

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Prostate Cancer and Smoking, Deadly Combination and smokers who are diagnosed with prostate cancer will face a more malignant tumor and the risk of dying from the disease compared with men nonsmokers.

Conclusion of research by a team from the Harvard School of Public Health and University of California found that the risk of death from prostate cancer in male smokers to 61 percent. Similarly, the risk for disease recurrence after therapy.

Between smokers and nonsmokers whose cancer has not spread when diagnosed, or in medical language are called non-metastatic cancer, the risk of death faced by smokers to 80 percent.

However, smokers who had quit for 10 years or older when diagnosed with prostate cancer have equal opportunities to male non-smokers, both in recurrence and mortality risk.

"This research data is only a little relief because we know to reduce the risk of death from prostate cancer. It also could be grounds for not smoking," says Edward Giovannucci, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard.

The study examines health data from 5366 men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1986 and 2006. In that period, 1630 died, 524 (32 percent) due to prostate cancer and 416 (26 percent) due to heart disease.

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer the most common cancer in American men and about 1 of 6 men in her life.

Smokers Skin Wrinkles Faster

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Smokers Skin Wrinkles Faster thousands of chemicals contained in cigarette smoke does not just bring in a variety of health problems, but also make the appearance look older than your actual age. Smoking not only damages the skin, but also teeth and hair.

Research on the effects of smoking on the skin have been carried out. Some are comparing the appearance of two twins, one heavy smoker for many years and his brother did not. The result is very clear, smokers look 10 years older due to wrinkles-wrinkles that acquired the habit of smoking.

According to dermatologists at the University of Miami, USA, Jonette Keri, MD, cigarette smoke will make the skin deprived of oxygen and nutrients. That's why smokers skin usually looks more pale or uneven skin color.

"In smokers, uneven skin pigment is more rapid emergence," he said.

As is known, cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including toxins. From each puff, the substances it will also damage collagen and elastin that gives skin suppleness and elasticity. As a result, smokers skin sagging and wizened look deeper.

Cigarette smoke not only ruin the appearance of facial skin, but also other skin on the body. "When the elasticity of the skin is reduced, it becomes not tight anymore, including in the arm in and breast. In fact, cigarettes are the leading cause of sagging breasts faster," he said.

Parts of the skin most affected real cigarette is the area around the mouth. "When smoking, we use certain muscles around the lips, causing the dynamic wrinkles. In addition, because the reduced skin elasticity, will be more visible in the lines around the lips," he explained.

Another effect is the appearance of black spots-spots around the face. In general, it appears black spots caused by sun exposure that is too often. However, in smokers who rarely any sun spots will appear.

In addition to skin, smoking also causes the color changed to yellow teeth, bad breath, and other issues relating to cleanliness. Smokers are also at risk two times more likely to experience tooth loss than nonsmokers.

Continued effects of cigarette smoke is thinning hair faster. Research in Taiwan showed that male smokers in Asia have a greater risk of experiencing the typical male pattern baldness, which is bald in the middle of the head or on the forehead.

9 Food "Eats" Skin

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9 Food "Eats" Skin and who says wrinkles and black spots could only be removed with a cream cosmetic or plastic surgery. We can keep it beautiful and youthful from the inside by eating healthy food.

Any food can become "food" for the skin?

1. Bean
Nuts are rich in vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts are a rich source of essential nutrients for your skin as it works to protect the skin by forming a membrane-rich liquid on the skin. Regularly eat beans will make the skin moist and flexible so that the arrival of wrinkles can be slowed.
Sources: Walnuts, pecans, almonds, and hazelnuts.

2. Fruit and berries
Fruits and berries are a rich natural source of antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and minerals to keep your skin remain smooth. Antioxidants fight free radicals and increase the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals while giving a strong immunity.
Sources: Raspberries, red wine, blueberries, avocados, kiwis, apricots, apples, pears, and melons.

3. Greens
Antioxidants, vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene found in green leafy vegetables. They enhance the immune mempuyai properties, as well as protect against cancer, arthritis, and heart. Vegetables play an important role in skin renewal and removal of harmful free radicals. Vegetables also have the effect of anti-aging promoters.
Sources: Spinach, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, and cucumbers.

4. Fish
Fish oil is a rich source of Omega-3, components that play a crucial role in improving skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles on the face. Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced by our body so we must mengasupnya of food.
Sources: Salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and mackerel.

5. Cereal intact
Cereal intact not only contain antioxidants, but also has a rich source of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. Cereal is also responsible for lowering blood cholesterol and helps in preventing heart disease. Once you have a healthy body, then it implies a healthy skin also you will get.
Sources: Wheat and brown rice.

6. Healthy Fats
Switch to consume healthy fats rich in antioxidants. These fats act as carriers of fat soluble vitamins A, C, and E are very necessary to get smooth skin.
Sources: Olive oil, safflower oil, and sesame oil.

7. Tea
Avoid all caffeine-rich drinks. This is because caffeine has the power to destroy the vitamins in your body. Should drink green tea which is rich in EGCG content of super-antioxidant that has the ability to reverse the oxidation and inflammation of the skin that appears in the form of wrinkles, skin damage, or injury.
Sources: Green tea, black tea, and juice with no sweeteners.

8. Eggs and yogurt
These foods are rich in minerals, potassium, and calcium. This is an excellent shortcut to treat and rejuvenate the skin. Potassium helps in the growth of new skin cells.
Sources: egg whites and milk yogurt.

9. Water
Nearly 70 percent of our body is composed of water. If you get dehydrated, the skin will feel like a dry, scaly, and malnutrition. Water can be easily we get, in addition also able to make a miracle for your skin and make it shine. Drink water at least eight glasses per day.

Hide age with a Smile

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Hide age with a Smile and Many ways in which people make it look more youthful. The most common is to use cosmetic products or taking certain supplements. Though a simple way as a smile can make someone look younger.

Researchers from Germany conducted a trial of some people to guess the age of others by looking at some pictures of faces of 171 young people, middle-aged, and older. In some photos, showing a smiling face. On the other hand, displayed also photos with angry facial expressions, fear, disgust, or sadness.

In a study published in the Journal of Cognition & Emotion, the researchers showed that facial expressions have a major influence on how people with older age.

Smile it makes a person of a younger appearance. In fact, most people tend to underestimate a person's age when he saw photos of them smiling.

Researchers gave several reasons for age-related effects of a smile. First, it would be difficult to say whether the wrinkles that appear on the face when smiling is temporary or permanent. Second, with a smiling person will look more attractive and have a positive effect as a young child. So that others will judge them younger than actual age.

Recognize 5 Types of Headaches

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Be careful if you experience frequent headaches. Minor health problems can actually be is one symptom of a larger disease.

This is something to do with the grouping of two types of headaches. The main headache is caused by dysfunction or overactivity of the features that are sensitive to pain in the head. In the second group, which is also more rare, is caused by underlying disease.

However, there are basically five types of headaches, the emphasis off of how pain is generated. According to Clinical Methods, the pain can also occur in any part of the head, including skin, muscles, blood vessels, sinuses, teeth structure, and facial nerves.

Vascular cause of migraine
The pain caused by enlarged blood vessels in the head. The most popular type of vascular headache is migraine, which according to the American Headache Society affects about 28 million people in America. Migraines may recur, and if the new emerging will recover after 4-72 hours. The pain of moderate to severe, throbbing with a sense of which occur in one or two sides of the head. Other symptoms of migraine are nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. A total of 3 out of 4 migraine sufferers are women. That is, the more women who experience migraines than men.

These types of headaches are another type of vascular headache. But the opposite of migraine, the disease is more whipping men. The ratio of six to one, according to Cluster Headache Support Group. The pain was so excruciating, can last for 15-180 minutes. It usually occurs on one side of the head, behind the eyes, or on the temples. Headaches are common at certain times, often during the hours of sleep, for 4-8 weeks.

While working, you'll often feel stiff neck and shoulders. Sometimes followed by headache. This type of headache is often considered as tension of the muscles that tighten around the neck, shoulders, scalp, or jaw. The trigger is not just sitting the wrong way, but also stress, anxiety, or depression. Not surprisingly, these headaches are among the most common, with mild to moderate intensity. In some people, pain is also accompanied by decreased appetite.

This is the second order of headaches caused by a disease or disorder that produces inflammation in the head. Type headaches due to inflammation of the most common are headaches due to sinus, which is caused by inflammation of the sinuses and exacerbated by allergic reactions. Another cause of this type of headache is meningitis, in which there is inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

Usually caused by lesions that suppress the structure and blood vessels in the head. Metastatic tumors (malignant tumors spread to other body parts), abscess, or hematoma (blood-filled local swelling), can cause this type of headache. The pain will be worse in the morning, and becomes more severe when an infected coughing, urinating, or straining.

Powerful Tips Prevent Migraines

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Migraine is one of the headaches the most complained. Attacks of migraine headaches feel more torturous and sometimes come on suddenly. Migraine sufferers will feel the pain and throbbing like a hit, pulled, and generally tend to be more sensitive to light and sound. This is certainly very disturbing and can inhibit all activities of the patient.

The cause of migraine headaches remains a mystery, but there is some thought that the imbalance in the nervous system, especially in the trigeminal nerve, can cause migraines. Some things that can trigger a migraine include anxiety, depression, stress, lack of food intake or lack of sleep, alcohol, exposure to light, loud noise, and hormonal changes (in women).

Migraines can be inflicted on children and adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are equally at risk of migraine, but after puberty, women are more likely to develop migraines than men.

So, how to prevent migraines? There are a few tips you can use to prevent migraine.

1. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption
By reducing these two types of drinks, you can prevent migraine pain. The same applies to the habit of smoking or exposure to smoke. To find out what foods and other migraine triggers, and prepare a logbook. With the diary, you can track your headache triggers when attacked by seeing what you ate that day. After a few weeks you'll begin to see patterns that will help you identify foods that should be avoided.

2. Do not sleep
Lack of sleep and poor sleep habits are the main cause of migraine. Make sure you keep on your sleep schedule a minimum of 7 hours to 8 hours each day. However, you must be careful because of excessive sleeping (oversleeping) also played a role in triggering chronic migraine.

3. Regular exercise
Regular exercise can reduce stress which indirectly contribute to reducing the occurrence of migraine. However, do not give excessive portion in sport and physical activity because it could be one trigger of migraine. You can also try relaxation exercises like yoga or meditation.

4. A balanced diet
Diet can affect migraines. Therefore, eat a balanced diet and avoid eating habit of procrastinating. A balanced diet is followed with regular exercise can help maintain and reduce your weight.

5. Simply drinking
Less water intake were also able to trigger migraine pain. Therefore, it is important for you to drink enough water every day.

6. Avoid stress
Stress is one trigger factor for the most frequent headaches. So, learn to relax and reduce stress. Self-hypnosis and relaxation methods such as breathing techniques can help you reduce migraine attacks.

8 Food Relief Headaches

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There are different types of headaches with different levels. But one thing in common is the coming of a headache to make any form of activity to be disrupted.

Headache is a symptom of a number of physical and mental imbalance. Most of us usually take anti-pain medication to ease it. In fact, there are actually alternatives to drugs that can help with headaches. Some foods and liquids is believed to help expel the pain in the head.

Here are eight of them:

1. Potato
Headaches arising from not only drunk but also caused by dehydration due to loss of electrolytes such as potassium. Therefore, eating foods rich in potassium may help relieve headaches. Potatoes contain more potassium that is 100 grams, while the baked potato (with skin) contains up to 600 mg of potassium.

2. Banana
Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also magnesium (bananas medium containing 10% of your daily intake recommendations). Magnesium can relieve your migraine and headaches due to stress. Numerous studies have linked between magnesium deficiency and migraine headaches. Research shows that about half of all migraine sufferers have ionized magnesium in the blood in small amounts.

Magnesium, which was conceived in bananas, protecting the body from headaches by relaxing the blood vessels. In addition, magnesium has a calming effect so it is useful to relieve tension headaches. Dried apricots, avocados, almonds, cashews, brown rice, nuts and seeds merupkan other foods rich in magnesium.

3. Coffee
Caffeine in coffee is useful as it is dangerous for the victims of a headache. Caffeine is a substance common in prescription and free medicines for headaches because it can relieve pain and 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache medications more quickly, making the drug more quickly to work. Caffeine can be a headache reliever that is very effective, especially migraines, but if taken too much can create headaches recur. Thus, it is recommended remedy drink coffee no more than 2 or 3 cups per day.

4. Cereal grains (whole grains)
If your low-carb diet, you will begin to drain the main source of energy for the brain, namely glycogen reserves. It also makes the body lose fluids quickly, causing dehydration. Dehydration along with the reduction in energy to the brain can lead to headaches. If you eat foods that sound like a carb (whole grains such as wheat breads, wheat cereals, oatmeal, and fruit), not only can repel head pain but also improve your mood.

5. Watermelon
Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, then consider mengasup drink plenty of water and water-rich foods (like watermelon). Fruits are rich in water also contains essential minerals, like magnesium, which is key to preventing headaches. You can also try a sports drink berelektrolit if you may get headaches after exercising for a long time since losing a lot of minerals in the body.

6. Fish
Fatty fish (like salmon, tuna, and mackerel) is useful as a remedy for migraine headaches because it is rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the inflammation that often trigger migraines. If you can not eat fish every day, not to worry. You can take fish oil supplements and adding foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, tofu, and soy beans for extra omega-3 in your diet.

7. Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and can help stabilize estrogen levels and prevent migraines during your period. In addition, sesame seeds are also rich in magnesium, which in turn will help prevent headaches. Other foods that contain high amounts of vitamin E, among others, nuts, olive oil, dandelion, wheat, and sweet potatoes.

8. Ginger
In addition to being a cure for nausea, ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine is also useful to combat headaches. Cook ginger or combine with other beverages such as tea.

Pain Relief Drugs Trigger Stroke Risk

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This is a warning for those who regularly consume drugs painkillers. Recent research in Canada indicated the experts, the consumption of painkillers on a daily basis and in high doses may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by 40 percent.

According to researchers, patients who regularly consume diclofenac (a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory), will experience heart problems are two-fifths higher.

Meanwhile, the use of pain relieving drugs such as ibuprofen have been associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke by 18 percent higher.

Diclofenac is one of the drugs of this type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with the chemical formula 2 - (2,6-dichloranilino) phenylacetic acid. Type of NSAID drugs are commonly used to treat rheumatism, lumbago, gout headaches and flu.

A small study group of researchers from Hull York Medical School and the University of Toronto, Canada, has studied and compared the effects of the use of painkillers at low and high doses (for a more serious complaint). Investigational drugs that are quite diverse, ranging from the type used in hospitals, prescription drugs, to drug-common painkillers such as ibuprofen and naproxen found.

The results showed, using low-dose diclofenac (to treat postoperative pain), berkaitkan with 22 percent higher risk of experiencing heart problems. Meanwhile, in larger doses, the possibility of patients affected by heart disease or stroke increased by 98 percent.

On the other NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, the use of drugs in accordance with the recommendation does not impact negatively on patients. However, in people taking large doses, can increase cardiac risk by 78 percent.

"In choosing which one of the NSAID drugs are available, patients and physicians must consider the balance between benefit and harm that might be incurred in the use of these drugs," said one of the principal investigator, Dr. Patricia McGettigan.

According to McGettigan, naproxen and ibuprofen painkillers are the safest for the heart, as long as it is used in low doses.

Meanwhile, Doireann Maddock, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation said the use of painkillers is very risky, especially in people with heart disease.

"It is already known since the old and the new findings should not be overlooked. But scientists and drug experts need to dig deeper before drawing conclusions about the side effects of these drugs," he said.

He added, "The use of any painkillers certainly there are benefits and risks. If you are already taking drugs and worried about the effect, you should consult with your doctor first. Because of the benefits you can probably much greater than the risk."

Low-Salt Diet Benefits in Question

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For years, experts say reducing sodium intake in the daily diet is useful to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. However, new study says, low-salt diet may improve cholesterol levels.

Although not known the outcome in the long run, the new study published in the American Journal of Hypertension found a low sodium diet actually increase levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and other heart disease risk factors.

"From the results of this study proved that people do not have to worry about the excessive intake of salt to them," said Dr. Niels Graudal, consultants, and rheumatologic diseases in seniyor from Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark.

It happened because of the sensitivity of sodium intake per person will vary. "Some people are more sensitive to salt than others. Even so, low-salt diet remains healthy," said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, heart disease prevention experts from New York, USA.

Research conducted in Europe's scientists analyzed data from 167 studies comparing low-salt diet with a diet high in salt.

Low-salt diet does reduce blood pressure in white people, black, and Asia. However, increased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and enzyme renin (which regulates blood pressure), as well as the hormones noradrenaline and adrenaline (which affects blood pressure and heart rate).

The experts also warn that in reducing the risk of heart disease, salt restriction alone is not 100 percent effective. Patients also need to follow a healthy lifestyle, such as mengasup more fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and meet the need of vitamins and minerals.

7 Ways to Reduce Exposure to Risk of Stroke

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In recent years, increasing non-communicable diseases continues to increase. Stroke, for example, attacks that cause the death of brain tissue on it, has now become a serious enough threat, as well as other diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

David Spence, MD, Director of the Center for Stroke Prevention Robarts Research Institute in Canada said the chances of disease-related death by 20 percent, by 40 percent to 25 percent bersiko disability and severe disability.

Meanwhile, David Wiebers, MD, professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic, revealing, as much as 50-80 percent risk of stroke can be prevented.

"The trick, start a healthy lifestyle changes since the age of 25, 35, or 45 years. Thus, you can minimize the risk of stroke at the age of 60, 70, or 80's," he said.

Here are 7 (seven) steps carefully to reduce the risk of stroke.

1. Drinking water
Loma Linda University researchers found men who drank five or more glasses of water each day can cut stroke risk by 53 percent when compared with those who drank less than three glasses.

Water helps thin the blood which in turn reduces the chance to form blood clots, according to Jackie Chan, DrPH, as principal investigator. "You have to drink water throughout the day to keep blood thin, starting with one or two cups in the morning," said Dr Chan.

2. Reduce drinking soda
Researchers from Loma Linda University also found that men who drink large quantities of liquids other than water actually has a higher risk of stroke (46 percent). A theory says, the consumption of sugary beverages like soda will trigger the release of water from the bloodstream, and cause blood thickening.

3. Avoid stress
In a study published in Stroke, the researchers enrolled 2100 men to determine the link between anxiety and stroke. The result is known that the guy who always feels anxious three times more likely to have ischemic stroke than men who are calm.

"Anxiety causes chronic overproduction of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates the control of brain circulation," said Ernest Friedman, MD, professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University.

4. Stay away from cigarette smoke
Researchers from the University of Auckland found that people exposed to secondhand smoke are 82 percent more likely to suffer a stroke than those who never inhaled.

"To get rid of every single bit of carbon monoxide, you should get some fresh air for about 8 hours. However, most of the carbon monoxide will be lost from your body in the first hour," said Laurence Fechter, PhD, professor of toxicology at the University of Oklahoma.

5. Reduce levels of homocysteine
Eating some types of vitamins and minerals can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​are associated with the occurrence of stroke. Additional folate intake will help reduce the risk of stroke, but only for some people.

"As many as 50-60 percent will not respond with lower homocysteine," said Seth J Baum, MD, Medical Director of Mind / Body Medical Institute, a Harvard affiliate.

Dr. Baum recommends 1,000 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid, plus 25 milligrams (mg) of vitamin B6, 1,000 mcg of B12, and 1,800 mg of amino acid N-acetyl-cysteine ​​(NAC). "With folate, B6, B12, and NAC supplementation, almost everyone will have normal homocysteine ​​levels," says Dr. Baum.

6. Aerobics
Aerobic exercise is a drug antistroke. "Regular exercise can lower blood pressure, increase levels of HDL cholesterol, lowering LDL cholesterol, and reduce the stickiness of blood," Judd said Jerry Pryde, MD, a psychiatrist at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.

7. Flu vaccine
French researchers found that people who get the flu vaccine every year for five years, 42 percent lower risk of experiencing a stroke than those without.

"Chronic infection and inflammation can cause damage to the arteries and increase the risk of blood clots," said Pierre Amarenco, MD.

Hepatitis A is often asymptomatic

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Although hepatitis A can be identified from symptoms of the eyes and skin turn yellow, but not a few patients with hepatitis A who did not experience any symptoms and the disease can heal itself.

"The main characteristic of hepatitis A are the eyes and skin turn yellow and the urine is concentrated, such as tea. But there are many cases of asymptomatic infection, especially in children," said dr.Unggul Budihusodo Sp.PD, gastroenterohepatologi consultants from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesian.

Because do not always cause symptoms, presence of hepatitis A infection can only be known for in the patient's body has antibodies were found.

"Antibodies are formed by already infected will make a person infected with hepatitis A is not possible," he explained.

Those who had never been exposed to hepatitis A is recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis A. Meanwhile, vaccines for hepatitis C until now there is no vaccine.

Prevention of this disease can also be done by always keeping the environment clean. With good sanitation and hand washing with soap, in general, hepatitis A virus transmission can be prevented.

Although hepatitis A were also attacks the liver, but the patient can be cured and the disease does not become chronic.

Exceptions occur in those who already suffer other infections, such as a carrier viral hepatitis B or C.

According to Superior, hepatitis A patients could be treated at home. "Rest should be fine. If the patient is told to break difficult healing period can be long," he said.

This Food Help Stop Smoking

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Smoking is one unhealthy habit that unfortunately still do a lot of people. Many ways to get rid of nicotine addiction, such as chewing gum specifically, taking pills or drugs, exercise, meditation, active in several activities, to make some substantial changes in lifestyle.

However, not many people are aware about the fact that what we eat and drink can actually help improve or worsen the taste of cigarettes.

According to experts from Duke University, foods and beverages such as meat and caffeinated beverages make smoking more tasteful. However, dairy products and fresh vegetables actually makes cigarettes taste worse.

Now, let's look at the five foods and beverages that can help us stop smoking.

1. Milk and other dairy products
Many smokers say, after drinking a glass of milk, smoking does not bring the expected flavor and satisfaction. Milk makes cigarettes taste very bitter and unpleasant. This can help reduce cravings and help get rid of nicotine addiction.

2. Orange juice
If you want to quickly stop smoking, try to consume more orange juice. The reason is, when someone smokes regularly, they will lose a lot of vitamin C, and their bodies will be used to exchange with some unnatural elements of nicotine. Some fruits such as oranges, lemon, black currant, and pomegranate is the best food for those who are trying to get rid of nicotine dependence.

3. Celery
Celery, along with other vegetables like zucchini, beans, and cucumbers also affect flavor cigarettes. In fact, scientists assess, many types of food consumption may reduce nicotine dependence (as long as it does not consume alcohol). This is also why the snack sticks at once replied celery may help reduce cravings. However, you do not have to worry if you do not like celery because the celery can be replaced with a carrot.

But remember, eating lots of vegetables, sweet is not too good because of the excessive amount of glucose would activate brain areas related to the responsible enjoyment and satisfaction. Thus, glucose can stimulate the appetite.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli is a type of green vegetables are very beneficial for everyone because it has a wide range of therapeutic properties. In particular, it helps to reduce the risk of lung diseases, including lung cancer. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a substance that increases the activity of NRF2 gene and protect the lungs from damage by toxins from nicotine. Unfortunately, the study found evidence that the therapeutic properties of broccoli does not work for smokers because nicotine killing activity of sulforaphane.

5. Red wine
A glass of red wine a day lowers the risk of lung cancer in both smokers and nonsmokers. The researchers from South California found that people who drank a glass of red wine every day has a 60 percent lower chance of developing lung cancer. Red wine has flavonoids and resveratrol, are also very useful for heart and blood (as it prevents blood clotting).

However, you also have to be careful and do not eat lots of red wine because of this situation will expose you to two problems at once, ie, nicotine addiction (cigarettes) and alcohol.

This is the reaction of the Body While Inhaling Cigarettes

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Smoked a cigarette that someone will run out in 10 gust and within five minutes. However, in such a short time there are 4,000 types of chemicals that penetrate the body's organs. See what reaction happens when you smoke.

The first 00-10 seconds
In the first puff, cigarette smoke going into your mouth and leaves a thin layer of chocolate in your teeth. Toxic gases such as formaldehyde and ammonia are inhaled will make the immune system causing inflammation to be vigilant.

Once inside the throat, smoke cigarettes will slow the cilia, which charge a small sweeper to clean the respiratory system from harmful particles. Meanwhile, the nicotine which rose into the air directly into the blood vessel through the millions of capillaries in the lungs.

When nicotine enters the adrenal glands, the body will feel the jolt of energy that triggers the adrenaline so that blood pressure and heart rate increase. As a result, the heart of the difficulty to relax between heartbeats so that the risk for stroke increases.

At the same time, carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke will begin to accumulate in the blood so the body's ability to deliver oxygen to vital organs is reduced.

Through the bloodstream, nicotine enters the brain and certain nerve cells responded by rushing the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine which give a good feeling. This is why smoking creates a feeling of addiction.

After 5 minutes
After the dopamine levels back to normal, the body wants the high feeling again, though we are not aware of it. When we often satisfy these desires, the brain will get used to and begin to appear addictive flavor. Consequently, it would be difficult for you to quit smoking.

Although cigarette you've turned off, still accumulate in the body contain toxic for the next 6-8 hours.

11 Food Control Blood Sugar

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Meal arrangements are the most important pillars for the treatment of diabetes. People with diabetes a ​​wise definitely want to learn to recognize foods that cause high blood sugar and try to avoid these foods.

Basically, diabetics can eat all the food like anyone else, but should be limited to contain sugar, fat, and sometimes high-salt foods. Important also oversee the amount of food eaten.

Knowingly or not, nature has provided some amazing foods that can help control your blood sugar levels.

The following are 11 foods that are good for blood sugar:

1. Bitter gourd (Karela)
If you have family members suffering from diabetes, it is time to prepare karela at the dinner table. These vegetables are very beneficial in lowering blood pressure and diabetes. But do not combine these foods with medicines that lower blood sugar, because it can make your blood sugar to drop dramatically.

2. Wheat
Try to include more whole grain products in your diet. Besides containing many essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, oats also contain complex carbohydrates that the body needs to produce energy. Complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates, so that blood sugar levels remain stable.

3. Apple
High content of pectin in the fruit is believed to help lower the body's insulin requirements. A 2005 study found that women who consumed at least one apple a day 28 percent smaller type 2 diabetes than those who ate no apples.

4. Bean
High soluble fiber in beans is not only beneficial for the digestive system and heart, but it also keeps blood sugar after meals. If you have insulin resistance, hypoglycemia or diabetes, beans can really help you balance blood sugar levels.

5. Cinnamon
The most active ingredient contained in cinnamon is methylhydroxy-chalcone polymer (MHCP), which mimics the effects of insulin, and works synergistically with insulin in cells. However, research so far only involve a small number of people and have not explored the long-term benefits of cinnamon.

6. Fish
Fish (like salmon and tuna) is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids - healthy fat that reduces the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin resistance.

7. Chili
In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Australian researchers found that include chili in the regular diet every day will help lower blood sugar after eating a meal. In addition, the chili also contains antioxidants, vitamin C and carotenoids that can help improve insulin regulation.

8. Fenugreek
Fenugreek, in addition to containing lots of fiber which is very important for people with diabetes, can lower insulin resistance and control blood glucose levels by increasing the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells.

9. Broccoli
Broccoli is the best source of chromium - a mineral that helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. It would be more protective when eaten raw or lightly cooked.

10. Garlic
Garlic has active ingredients such as allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyldisul-phide oxide (allicin). When combined with the flavonoids it will play an important role in lowering glucose levels. Allicin can digabungan with vitamin B1 (thiamine) to stimulate the pancreas releases insulin.

11. Soybean
Soybeans have a bit of starch content but the amount of fiber and high protein can provide a valuable effect in reducing the excretion of urine in people with diabetes.

Can Yawning Contagious?

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When the body is tired or brain needs oxygen to keep working, we'll evaporate to tie up more oxygen in the blood. Interestingly, when we see others yawn or even just by reading the words "evaporated", as if we were infected, come yawn.

According to a study published in the journal Child Development, the ability of people to infection is associated with social skills. Psychologists from the University of Connecticut studied 120 children aged 1-6 years.

At the time of reading a story, the reader will stop and yawn in front of children. Less than 10 percent of children under the age of 4 years come back with a yawn. In older children, the response is very significant yawning occurs, that is 35-45 percent.

"We know that the child's social life develops after the first few years," said Molly Helt, chairman of the study, as quoted by page of Scientific American.

From these studies note, although young children are very sensitive to the expressions of others, his brain has not been able to imitate others unconsciously. In adults it is more common.

"At some point, we like taking other people's emotions without ever thought of," he said.

In the second study, researchers used children with autism as a participant using the same scenario. The result, experts found that children infected people with autism do not evaporate. Only 11 percent of participants who were aged 5-12 years who are infected. This is very different in normal children with similar age, ie there is 43 percent of children who participated evaporated.

Although children with autism do not have problems in identifying expressions of others, their brains are not able to respond. "They do not develop an emotional connection with people around him automatically," he said.

Helt also said, the relationship between the condition of the brain that regulate social life in the first years of life a child can be applied to identify and prevent child affected by autism or not.

Differentiate Patients with Hypertension Difficult Emotions

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During this time, problems are always associated with hypertensive stroke. However, recent research showed that people with hypertension tend to decrease the ability to read people's reactions and can not distinguish the emotional reaction of anger and other forms.

James A McCubbin, professor of psychology at Clemson University, USA, and colleagues have shown that people with hypertension are more likely to have decreased ability to recognize feelings of anger, fear, sadness, and facial expressions.

"For example, if your boss at work you are angry, you are often mistaken and probably thought that he was only joking," said McCubbin, as reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

"This can lead to miscommunication, decreased work effectiveness, and increased psychosocial stress. In some people, this may lead to misinterpretation because they can not distinguish between humor and anger," McCubbin said.

McCubbin said the inability to read a person's emotional state in facial expression or verbal communication will make them have more problems because it is not fully distinguish between threats that exist in the vicinity.

According to him, the relationship between barriers to read emotions and high blood pressure is believed to contribute to the development of hypertension and heart disease risk.

"The decline in positive emotions can eliminate one of the healing benefits of personal relationships, hobbies, or holiday," he said.

3 Types of Compulsory Exercise to Keep Fit

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In order for the body furthest from the disease, you need to exercise regularly. Whose name is sports, many kinds. You may often hear a lot of input from others. The good sport like this and that and eventually you become confused.

According to Bob Greene, renowned sports coach in the United States, there are actually three types of exercise you need to do in everyday life. Know what are the three types of exercise it and how you can achieve it:

1. Cardio
This type of exercise is important if you want to lose weight or simply maintain it at the ideal level.

Portion of the exercise: About 6 hours a week at middle or rather high intensity. "At this intensity, you will need to draw a deep breath so that the energy expended is also quite large," said Greene.

Examples of exercises: Cycling or walking for an hour, six days a week. Or, swim for 75 minutes, five days a week.

2. Weight training
This exercise will burn calories at the same time tighten the muscles in the body. By practicing regularly, burning calories even will continue to run until when you're asleep. Weight training is also good for maintaining bone mass, so avoid the risk of osteoporosis.

Portion of the exercise: Two to three times a week. Use a load that suits your needs-not too light so there is no challenge, but also not too heavy that could cause injury.

Examples of exercises: any movement by using a dumbbell or weight with the help of machines. Do some variation of movement so that it can tighten the muscles in various areas of the body, ranging from the abdomen, back, arms, shoulders, legs up.

3. Functional fitness
The meaning here is functional fitness exercises that can help train our strength and dexterity in carrying out daily activities. This type of exercise will also make two other types of exercise can be undertaken more easily, while protecting you from injury. Functional fitness exercises also help to train the body's flexibility, or flexibility, balance and coordination. In addition, this exercise can also help improve posture and "polish" your movements until he could look more graceful.

Portion of the exercise: better every day.

Examples of exercises: Different types of stretching, ranging from sit-ups, push-ups, to other types of exercises that can be done with or without additional expense. Are also included in this category is the practice of yoga or Pilates.

7 Early Signs Stress Attack

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Stress is not always marked with a grim face, empty, persistent crying, irritability, or frustration. True, these symptoms are experienced by some people who are stressed. But before reaching that stage there is a sign of early symptoms of stress attacks.

1. Difficulty sleeping.
Be careful if you find it hard to sleep without a good reason. Many people who have difficulty sleeping at night because they are constantly thinking about various things that might not work perfectly, and continues to regret it. Not infrequently they also wake up at night, and it is difficult to go back to sleep.

2. Aches and pains.
Research shows that one in mind of stress can cause changes in all processes that occur in the human body. The pain and pain experienced is actually a reaction of the body against fatigue encountered. If you have felt this, you should be careful not to stress and fall ill.

3. Not excited.
The spirit is one thing that is needed to perform various activities. Stress not only affects the processes in the human body, but also on cell regeneration system of the body. Inhibited regeneration of cells, will require more energy to regenerate new cells. As a result, the energy for physical activity becomes less.

4. Not the focus.
Stress greatly affects your mind, including the focus on something. Have you ever thought about many things at once in one time? For example, you're thinking about a new job, and 2 minutes later you've thought of something else before finishing the job first. This behavior will not only make you stressed because your work is not finished, but will also solve a lot of work piling concentration. If not addressed, could lead to high stress levels.

5. Thinking is not clear.
Have you ever confused to express something in words or writing a report? Or often confused to start a job? This is a sign that you are stricken with stress. Adrenaline and cortisol levels in your brain system flow is at an excessive rate, or the so-called inhibition of cortisol, which means we can not access parts of the brain responsible for making decisions, solving problems, and think creatively.

6. Loss of sense of humor.
When you are in stress symptoms, you will be thinking about things too seriously. Remember the times when you can laugh at all the mistakes you did, and when you can smile spontaneously due to a variety of exciting things. When under stress, begin to narrow our perspective and we begin to see things from a serious side.

7. Negative thinking.
Can you see the good in others? If you are more likely to judge a person from the negative side, so be careful. Many people do not realize that this trend is actually an early symptom of stress. When stressed, our mind becomes clear and tend to think about bad things about others.

It's good, recognize these signs that you soon realize that you are experiencing stress. If you already have stress, take a deep breath, and break for a moment of activity you are doing now. Once the mind cleared, return to your previous activity.

7 Effective Ways to Burn Calories

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For each of the following physical activity, Kimberly Lummus, MS, RD as the coordinator for the Austin Dietetic Association in Austin, Texas, provides information about the number of calories burned. Physical activity is done per 30 minutes for an average body weight 68 kilograms.

1. Gardening.
This activity can burn 153 calories with a frequency of 3-4 times a week. Starting from watering, weeding, picking up dry leaves, seeds or tree planting, weeding shrub up to dig the ground. Many series of activities you can do at once to burn more calories. However, it did not take long if you're just starting.

Instead, start with stretching. The reason for gardening, you will be doing a lot of movements like squatting, bending, and standing repeatedly. Stretching can prevent injuries.

2. Cycling relaxed.
This activity can burn 220 calories with medium speed 10 mph and the frequency of twice a week. Cycling did not just burn calories, but also strengthens the bones, muscles, stomach, and back.

Either bike or outside the home, both in the same amount of calories burned. However, cycling in the open air while enjoying the atmosphere around is certainly more refreshing and enjoyable. Especially when done with friends, either in community or as a fun bike competitor for example.

3. Shopping.
This activity burns 121 calories with a frequency of 1-2 times a month. By walking while pushing a shopping cart for an hour, the body can burn calories up to 250 calories. Starting from sifting through the goods, store shelves around, to stand in line at the checkout. Similarly, when you are carrying groceries or save them into the kitchen shelf.

Use comfortable shoes when shopping, so that makes it easy to bring groceries and keep your back pain.

4. To run.
This activity burns 374 calories with a frequency of exercise every morning. The main key in order to burn calories more effectively is to regularly run it every day. Besides burning calories, running is also possible to actively move the entire body, especially the leg muscles, buttocks, and back. This is what makes the body more slender and flexible. In order to achieve maximum results, swing your arms during the run.

Choose shoes that are comfortable when running and protect feet from friction with socks. Stretch before running and start the exercise by walking 10-15 minutes.

5. Swim.
This activity burns 400 calories with a frequency as often as possible. Routine swimming will build strength and flexibility as well as strengthen the heart muscle due to blood circulation to and from the heart. Warm up before the swim. Psychologically, physically touch the water when swimming also allows for relaxed and refreshed.

Needless to swim in a hurry or push yourself too long. What is important is to maintain routine and enjoy this activity. Fill in your stomach before a swim. In order to avoid cramps, begin this activity by stretching the hand to the top, side and rear.

6. Bowling.
This activity burns 100 calories with a frequency of once a week. According to Dr. Todd Keylock, assistant professor of sports medicine from Bowling Green State University's School of Human Movement, bowling is one if the body is a good thing to do, because the body is made to move while playing. Research conducted indicates Keylock even bowling can increase the body's resistance to injury and pain.

Before doing this activity, do the stretch with a focus on hand. Start the game from a light bulb and then gradually to heavier balls.

7. Up and down stairs.
This activity burns 200 calories, done every day. These easy activities you can do anytime and anywhere in the home, offices, shops. Take advantage of busy schedules in the office to release the tired moment with up or down the stairs.

Perform a normal road speeds and should not while running to prevent injury. If you do it on the fire escape, make sure the ladder is frequently traveled and the door is in good condition, not damaged or locked.

3 Steps Life Energy Without Coffee

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Although coffee does contain stimulants, not everyone could stand to consume this drink. For you who want to get the spirit but do not want to suffer chest palpitations or stomach pains, consider the three steps to a life of energy naturally follows.

1. Sport
One of the easiest ways to dispel the lazy is moving. In fact, a short stretch enough blood circulation, relax muscles, and wake up tired bodies. If you do not like outdoor sports, do yoga or stretching.
In addition to improving mood, regular exercise every day will improve energy levels up to 20 percent. Not only that, exercise while exposed to the sun will also increase brain activity and alertness.

2. The right food
When is too late, we will usually choose foods that can lead to satisfaction as high sugary foods or carbohydrates. In fact, if you want vibrant throughout the day, choose foods that are a mixture of complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. In between days, warm cup of green tea consumption.

3. Enough drinking water
Sometimes the fatigue drive is as easy as taking a glass and fill it with water. Fatigue and fading concentration may be a symptom of dehydration.

Anti-Acne Food

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Although not proven scientifically, but nearly a third of people who have problems with acne claimed there is a strong connection between what they asup with acne.

Simply put, acne is caused by turnover of skin cells called keratin. Turnover of skin cells that do not fit will cause the cells and pore clogging oil glands that will capture the protein and sebum (the skin's natural oils) under the skin. Protein and oil it becomes food for P.acnes, the bacteria that cause acne.

According to Ellen Marmur, MD, skin specialist and author of Simple Skin Beauty, there are many ways to prevent the cycle repeats. One way is to eat foods with vitamin and nutrient content of the right.

"Food affects about 25 percent, the rest is hormonal factors, stress, sleep quality, and the environment. A good skin care is also influential. So basically there is no super food to prevent acne," she said.

According to research in the field of diet and the skin, it was revealed that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are good for the skin. This healthy diet will reduce inflammation and blackheads.

Here are some foods are recommended:

- Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps regulate the skin regeneration cycle so that no more protein and oils that cause acne are clogged. "Vitamin A is the main content of acne medicine," says Marmur. The best sources of vitamin A is fish oil, salmon, carrots, spinach, and broccoli. Even so do not overdo vitamin A because it can be toxic.

- Zinc
Research shows people with acne in general had higher levels of zinc is low. Zinc is needed to create an uncomfortable environment for the growth P.acnes. Besides these minerals are useful for relieving skin irritation. Zinck found in almonds, nuts, or meat.

- Vitamin E and C
Antioxidants in vitamin E and C have a calming effect on the skin. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, papaya, tomato, or kiwi. While vitamin E obtained from nuts, olive oil, broccoli, avocado, and green vegetables.

- Selenium
The mineral selenium-containing antioxidant that protects skin from free radical damage. The study also mentioned, along with vitamin E, selenium will accelerate the healing of acne. Sources of selenium include meat salmon, tuna, beans, eggs, and brown rice.

- Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids prevent the molecule that can cause skin inflammation that triggers the disorder. The best source of omega-3 is a deep-sea fish, flaxseed oil, and nuts.

- Water
Water will help hydrate the body and moisturizes the skin. Adequate water consumption also eliminates toxins that trigger skin problems.