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9 Disease Due to Technological Progress

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Technology does offer convenience in the activity. But convenience is not necessarily without consequence. Research has found there are some health problems due to the use of technology in everyday life ranging from depression up to narcissism.

The nine diseases caused by technological progress, namely:

1. Hypersensitivity to Electromagnetic Waves from Wifi to Signal Phone

From wi-fi signal to a cell phone, people are surrounded by wireless communication. And for some people, exposure to electromagnetic fields can make the illness. Symptoms range from acute headaches and skin-burning up muscle twitching and severe pain.

An estimated 5 percent of Americans believe that they suffer from this condition and some of them have moved away to areas where wireless communication can dikonrtol strictly controlled to avoid problems.

2. Depression Facebook

Earlier this year, a group of physicians in the U.S. warned that teenagers can become so obsessed with Facebook and the expense of his health.

American Academy of Pediatrics states that neglected children on social networking sites would be more depressed than ignored in real life.

This organization warned of the risk of mental health of children who are victims of cyber-bullying and confirms that the use of some of the websites in the long run can affect sleep patterns and level of self-esteem.

3. Repeated strain injuries which caused a lot of Typing on Keyboard

Usually factory workers, tailors and musicians who had the most at risk of developing repetitive strain injuries. But today's office workers can suffer similar problems due to spending too much time using the keyboard.

The use of fingers, wrists, arms and shoulders repetitively can cause damage that can not be repaired by the body from time to time. Preventive measures such as regular breaks are recommended.

4. Headaches Due to Mobile Phone

For years, experts engaged in a fierce debate over whether cell phones dangerous or not. But studies have shown no relationship between headache and the use of mobile phones.

Research commissioned by mobile phone manufacturers in 2008 and found that a phone call shortly before bedtime can affect sleep quality can cause headaches the next day.

5. Internet Addiction

Many psychiatrists today that offer treatment for Internet addiction and has been treating patients who say that the online world has taken over his life.

According to U.S. psychiatrist, Jerald Block, the condition must be seen as a clinical disorder to see the ever increasing number of people who are addicted to gaming and pornography on the intenet.

6. Reduced Loss due to musical instruments such as Ipod

Some diseases may be new technology over troubling for 10 to 15 years. But already more than 30 years since it first raised concerns that listening to loud music through speakers may damage hearing.

The iPod has replaced the Walkman, but concerns remain the same. France has banned the gadget manufacturers to manufacture earphones that produce noise exceeds a certain level.

7. Play Nintendo Wii injury time

When the Nintendo Wii was first released, people of all ages are excited to try this game that replaces the 'stick' that ancient. The problem is many people who enjoy playing Wii games to lose track of time, causing muscle spasms.

8. Drunk from Game or Movie 3D

A study released by the Association of Ophthalmologists in the United States have found health problems due to television and 3D games. A quarter of users reported experiencing eye strain, blurred vision, dizziness, headache, or nausea after viewing 3D content.

People who experience such symptoms of drunkenness are highly susceptible to visual tricks that are used as a trick of visual technology.

9. Narcissism on Social Networking Sites

A study published earlier this year by two U.S. academics who find students who are getting fatter more selfish than previous generations because of the influence of modern technology.

Students of today are also more likely to display less narcissistic behavior and show empathy seeprti displayed in behavior or habit of constantly updating social networking sites.

In that study, he found more likely to do this, although they are assumed not to use technology more often than women.


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