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Aerobics To Shrink Stomach

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Many people who are not obese but have a distended abdomen, while abdominal fat is more dangerous than fat elsewhere in the body. Aerobics is the best way to mengempeskan distended stomach.

A new study conducted at Duke University Medical Center found that aerobic exercise is the best way when you're struggling mengempeskan distended abdomen.

Distended stomach or abdominal fat is scientifically known as visceral fat or fatty liver which is located deep in the abdominal cavity and filling the space between the internal organs. These fats have been associated with risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

"When fat increases the risk of health, accumulated fat in the body becomes more important than how much fat you have. Our research aims to identify the most effective form of exercise to get rid of unhealthy fats," said Cris Slentz, Ph.D. , exercise physiologist and author of a study published the American Journal of Physiology.

When researchers at Duke University Medical Center perform a direct comparison between aerobic exercise, strength training (like lifting weights) and a combination of both, researchers found that aerobic exercise is an exercise of the most effective and efficient way to get rid of belly fat is most dangerous for health.

"Exercise is very good power to increase strength and streamline the body mass. But if you are overweight and want mengempeskan fat in the abdomen, aerobics is a better choice because it burns more calories," Slentz continued.

67 pc of aerobic exercise burns more calories than strength training like lifting weights or weight training that is widely available in the fitness center (gym).


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