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4 Identify Food Headache Triggers

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Headaches or migraines are the most common type of disease and experienced by everyone. Many factors can trigger headaches, such as sinusitis, stress, and mental tension. However, did you know that diet or consumption of certain foods also have a major contribution to this condition.

Dr Sunita Dube diet experts agree with the opinion that the foods can trigger headaches. "In addition to family history of migraine and stress, food may be responsible for 30 percent as a cause of migraine. However, other conditions, such as hormonal changes, stress, sleep habits, and depression, it has a higher percentage," he said.

The experts argue, is one reason the most common causes of headaches are diet changes suddenly (switching to very low calorie diet).

"It can cause headaches, especially if your diet by reducing or eliminating carbohydrates completely. Because the brain can only use carbohydrates as fuel," said Niri Desai, nutrition consultant.

He added, "If you start skipping meals, this condition will trigger a headache. Even a very low water intake can trigger a headache."

The experts concluded, tyramine (a type of amino acid) as the main cause of headaches. Tyramine found in certain foods. This substance works by reducing levels of serotonin in the brain and affect blood vessel dilation.

Here are some foods and beverages that can trigger headaches with tyramine content in it:

1. Aperitif

Researchers say that red wine contains tyramine. Red wine contains fitomkimia called phenols, which may be a trigger of headaches. For some people, eating certain types of alcohol can trigger a migraine. Other compounds contained in beer, whiskey, and wine also can deplete levels of serotonin (the calming hormone) in the brain that ultimately trigger a migraine.

2. Chocolate

Chocolate also can trigger the development of a migraine because it contains tyramine. Total consumption of chocolate can also be a problem, because in migraine patients with high-fat diets tend to be more frequent headaches.

3. Coffee

"Coffee is a mild addictive substances and can increase mental alertness and concentration. Stop drinking coffee suddenly can often cause headaches, irritability, and other symptoms," said Dr. Nupur Krishnan, clinical nutritionist.

4. Sugar

Important natural sugars, meaning that all plants and animals store energy chemically in the form of sugar. All types of natural sugars have the same energy value, which is about 4 calories per gram. Natural sugars are also relatively better than the chemical sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Desai said, just a few of those who are intolerant to the sugar headache. However, the case of larger amount of headaches in those who are intolerant to the sweetener aspartame. So, if you are frequently experiencing headaches or migraines due to diet or a diet, you should immediately consult a doctor.


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