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Powerful Tips Prevent Migraines

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Migraine is one of the headaches the most complained. Attacks of migraine headaches feel more torturous and sometimes come on suddenly. Migraine sufferers will feel the pain and throbbing like a hit, pulled, and generally tend to be more sensitive to light and sound. This is certainly very disturbing and can inhibit all activities of the patient.

The cause of migraine headaches remains a mystery, but there is some thought that the imbalance in the nervous system, especially in the trigeminal nerve, can cause migraines. Some things that can trigger a migraine include anxiety, depression, stress, lack of food intake or lack of sleep, alcohol, exposure to light, loud noise, and hormonal changes (in women).

Migraines can be inflicted on children and adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are equally at risk of migraine, but after puberty, women are more likely to develop migraines than men.

So, how to prevent migraines? There are a few tips you can use to prevent migraine.

1. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption
By reducing these two types of drinks, you can prevent migraine pain. The same applies to the habit of smoking or exposure to smoke. To find out what foods and other migraine triggers, and prepare a logbook. With the diary, you can track your headache triggers when attacked by seeing what you ate that day. After a few weeks you'll begin to see patterns that will help you identify foods that should be avoided.

2. Do not sleep
Lack of sleep and poor sleep habits are the main cause of migraine. Make sure you keep on your sleep schedule a minimum of 7 hours to 8 hours each day. However, you must be careful because of excessive sleeping (oversleeping) also played a role in triggering chronic migraine.

3. Regular exercise
Regular exercise can reduce stress which indirectly contribute to reducing the occurrence of migraine. However, do not give excessive portion in sport and physical activity because it could be one trigger of migraine. You can also try relaxation exercises like yoga or meditation.

4. A balanced diet
Diet can affect migraines. Therefore, eat a balanced diet and avoid eating habit of procrastinating. A balanced diet is followed with regular exercise can help maintain and reduce your weight.

5. Simply drinking
Less water intake were also able to trigger migraine pain. Therefore, it is important for you to drink enough water every day.

6. Avoid stress
Stress is one trigger factor for the most frequent headaches. So, learn to relax and reduce stress. Self-hypnosis and relaxation methods such as breathing techniques can help you reduce migraine attacks.


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