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7 Effective Ways to Burn Calories

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For each of the following physical activity, Kimberly Lummus, MS, RD as the coordinator for the Austin Dietetic Association in Austin, Texas, provides information about the number of calories burned. Physical activity is done per 30 minutes for an average body weight 68 kilograms.

1. Gardening.
This activity can burn 153 calories with a frequency of 3-4 times a week. Starting from watering, weeding, picking up dry leaves, seeds or tree planting, weeding shrub up to dig the ground. Many series of activities you can do at once to burn more calories. However, it did not take long if you're just starting.

Instead, start with stretching. The reason for gardening, you will be doing a lot of movements like squatting, bending, and standing repeatedly. Stretching can prevent injuries.

2. Cycling relaxed.
This activity can burn 220 calories with medium speed 10 mph and the frequency of twice a week. Cycling did not just burn calories, but also strengthens the bones, muscles, stomach, and back.

Either bike or outside the home, both in the same amount of calories burned. However, cycling in the open air while enjoying the atmosphere around is certainly more refreshing and enjoyable. Especially when done with friends, either in community or as a fun bike competitor for example.

3. Shopping.
This activity burns 121 calories with a frequency of 1-2 times a month. By walking while pushing a shopping cart for an hour, the body can burn calories up to 250 calories. Starting from sifting through the goods, store shelves around, to stand in line at the checkout. Similarly, when you are carrying groceries or save them into the kitchen shelf.

Use comfortable shoes when shopping, so that makes it easy to bring groceries and keep your back pain.

4. To run.
This activity burns 374 calories with a frequency of exercise every morning. The main key in order to burn calories more effectively is to regularly run it every day. Besides burning calories, running is also possible to actively move the entire body, especially the leg muscles, buttocks, and back. This is what makes the body more slender and flexible. In order to achieve maximum results, swing your arms during the run.

Choose shoes that are comfortable when running and protect feet from friction with socks. Stretch before running and start the exercise by walking 10-15 minutes.

5. Swim.
This activity burns 400 calories with a frequency as often as possible. Routine swimming will build strength and flexibility as well as strengthen the heart muscle due to blood circulation to and from the heart. Warm up before the swim. Psychologically, physically touch the water when swimming also allows for relaxed and refreshed.

Needless to swim in a hurry or push yourself too long. What is important is to maintain routine and enjoy this activity. Fill in your stomach before a swim. In order to avoid cramps, begin this activity by stretching the hand to the top, side and rear.

6. Bowling.
This activity burns 100 calories with a frequency of once a week. According to Dr. Todd Keylock, assistant professor of sports medicine from Bowling Green State University's School of Human Movement, bowling is one if the body is a good thing to do, because the body is made to move while playing. Research conducted indicates Keylock even bowling can increase the body's resistance to injury and pain.

Before doing this activity, do the stretch with a focus on hand. Start the game from a light bulb and then gradually to heavier balls.

7. Up and down stairs.
This activity burns 200 calories, done every day. These easy activities you can do anytime and anywhere in the home, offices, shops. Take advantage of busy schedules in the office to release the tired moment with up or down the stairs.

Perform a normal road speeds and should not while running to prevent injury. If you do it on the fire escape, make sure the ladder is frequently traveled and the door is in good condition, not damaged or locked.


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