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Fish hooked, Healthier Gums

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Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Prevent this by increasing the consumption of fish, especially marine fish because they contain lots of omega-3.

Severe gum disease (periodontitis) is the advanced stage of gum disease when pockets of plaque formed between teeth and gums so the gums inflamed. The cause is a bacterial heap. If not treated, the tooth will falter, even the date.

One way to prevent inflammation is the consumption of omega-3. "The bacteria that cause periodontitis can grow because of the inflammation. Well, anti-inflammatory therapy with omega-3 are carried out on rabbits in the laboratory showed a positive result. We hope this is also true in humans," said Dr. Kenneth J Mukamal of Harvard Medical School.

According to Dr. Gerald Curatola from New York University's College of Dentistry, the results of research conducted Mukamal it makes sense considering there's enough scientific evidence that shows omega-3 will prevent blockage of blood vessels and maintain healthy liver.

"Inflammation is the number one killer in the human body and low in the scale of inflammation occurs in gum disease," says Curatola. He added, people who suffer from chronic dental disease at higher risk for heart disease.

"Patients with periodontitis risk is 10 times the heart attack, diabetes, or Alzheimer's. Consumption of omega-3 would reduce the occurrence of inflammation in the body," he said.

In a study by Mukamal, he and his team involving 9,000 adults who participated in a national survey on health and nutrition in 1999 and 2004. Four percent of respondents suffer from gum disease. However, those who regularly ate fish only a few are suffering from periodontitis.

Mukamal also found that patients who have healthy gums C-reactive protein levels are low in the blood. This is a sign of inflammation. Even so, he said that the most important to prevent gum disease is dental and oral hygiene.


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