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Diligent Sports Make Sleep More Soundly

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Many people often experience sleep disturbances, and some are forced to take certain drugs. However, there are natural remedies that may be considered by those who experience sleep problems, namely diving exercise regularly.

Recent research shows, doing exercise or regular physical activity may help a person to sleep more soundly and stay in shape during the day.

Benefits of exercise for improving quality of sleep is shown in the study was initiated by scientists from Oregon State University in the United States. This research is not directly recommending that exercise will improve the quality of sleep a person, but mungin be another explanation that links between the two.

Matthew P. Buman, assistant professor of sport and fitness diArizona State University to assess the results of this study in line with previous research study. "In general, the relationship between physical activity and sleep moderate nature," Buman said.

In his research, researchers used statistical data on the U.S. health survey conducted in 2005-2006. Researchers enrolled more than 2,600 volunteer men and women aged 18-85 years.

In the study, all volunteers were instructed to wear an accelerometer - a device for measuring physical activity - for a week. Then the volunteers made a guide for doing physical exercise moderately for 150 minutes a week or practicing for 75 minutes with high intensity for a week.

The results showed that those who meet the training guidelines of 65 percent less likely to feel sleepy in the afternoon, and have a lower risk of experiencing cramps while sleeping (65 percent) and less likely to have difficulty concentrating when tired (45 percent).

The study is published in the December issue of the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity.

Some researchers think that physical activity can improve sleep quality by helping to reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression.

"When you burn more calories through exercise, your body will more easily fall asleep. Other studies even mention the other benefits of exercise to reduce weight, which in turn helps people to sleep better," said the researcher.


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