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ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) in adult.

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ADHD or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in adults is the mental condition of someone who is having trouble concentrating, hyperactivity (behavior which can not be silent) and impulsive habits (difficulty in delaying the response / drive to do / say something that can not wait). ADHD in adults have some symptoms, including the interaction of an unstable, weak in the ability to work or study, and low self-confidence.

ADHD always begins at the age of the children, but in some cases this can not be diagnosed until they are adults. Peongobatan process for adults as treatment in children, including drugs stimulus or other medical care, counseling (psychotherapy) and treatment for mental health is needed.

Which is also called ADHD or Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) and hyperactivity has two main aspects, namely inattention (a condition where it is difficult to focus) and hyperactivity (behaviors that can not be silent) - impulsive habits (difficulty in delaying responses / encouragement to do / say something that can not wait).

ADHD in adults can have symptoms such as:
• The difficulty to focus or concentrate
• Restlessness
• Can not wait
• Difficulty in completing tasks
• Difficulty in organizing (regulate what is done)
• mood changes frequently
• Tempramental
• Difficult to deal with stress
• The relationship of interaction with others that are not stable

Some adults with ADHD are unaware that they are affected by ADHD - they just know that every day tasks given to them is a formidable challenge. Many adults with ADHD is difficult to give focus and priority will be what they are doing, often can not meet the given deadline or forget to schedule a meeting or in a difficult part of socializing.

Inability to control impulsive urge that can lead to impatience waiting on the queue line or easily change the mood at the time of driving. Many adults with ADHD have a record of problems in work and school.

Causes & Risk Factors
ADHD in adults have the same causes to ADHD in children, namely:
• The changing function and brain anatomy
For a while the exact cause of ADHD remains a mystery. Observation of the brain revealed significant differences in brain structure and activity in normal people and people with ADHD. For example, reduced activity in the area of ​​the brain that controls the activity and attention.
• Heredity
ADHD tends to run in families.
• Mothers who smoke, use drugs and other toxins.
Pregnant women who smoke have an increased risk of having a child with ADHD. Alcohol or drugs used during pregnancy can reduce the activity of nerve cells that produce neurotransmitters. Pregnant women are exposed to toxins from the environment, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), also makes it possible to have a child with ADHD symptoms. PCBs are industrial chemicals widely used since the 1970s.
• Children who are exposed to environmental toxins.
Pre-school children are exposed to certain toxins have an increased risk of ADHD. For example toxic PCBs.

Risk factors
• Mothers who are exposed to toxins (toxins) during pregnancy.
• Smoking, alcoholic beverages or use drugs while pregnant.
• Factors families with a history of ADHD (offspring) or a particular behavioral factors and destruction of mood.
• Premature births
• Exposure to certain toxins on children

If you have been affected by ADHD, you can take the following steps to prevent ADHD getting worse.
• Take steps to determine medical. Contact your doctor before you take certain steps.
• Be diligent to use the skills and abilities that you have learned. Stay able to control stress and keep hold positive attitudes.
• Do not hesitate to ask for help. Let others know your disability. Their support will make a big change.


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