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Wrinkles Reduced Thanks to Change Diet

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Wrinkles Reduced Thanks to Change Diet and every woman must really want a face smooth and free of wrinkles. One type of diet, that diet face, can be done to produce wrinkle-free face as you would expect.

Face diet is more emphasis on the importance of maintaining food intake for the skin to remove wrinkles and premature aging. This diet has been performed by actress Eva Mendes. With a face this diet for three days, you will get a skin toned, glowing and wrinkle free.

American dermatologist, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, said that the face of this diet can be done by controlling the pattern and appetite, as well as avoid some foods and beverages. Perricone believes that the consumption of alcohol, sugar, salt, and coffee will make the inflammation in the skin, and trigger premature aging. He also advocated for reducing intake and replace it with a variety of foods that can promote skin health such as omega 3 oils and antioxidants, which protects the membranes of skin cells around the face and helps retain moisture.

He also recommended to consume plenty of water for other than good for your health and digestion, water also proven to moisturize and nourish the skin. In three days you are advised to consume lots of salmon meat, green vegetables, fruits, and nuts. All these foods have antioxidants and fatty acids are highly nutritious. In addition, also reduce intake of salt, sugar, caffeine, wheat, and wine from your menu list.

The recommended diet, among others, three scrambled eggs or omelets, salmon, and small bowl of porridge, and fruit for breakfast. Salmon salad and fruit for lunch, salmon, green leafy vegetables, and fruit for dinner. Reduce caffeine consumption as well, because too much caffeine content in the blood can dilate blood vessels and makes the skin look red.

With this diet could face looks brighter, and healthier. However, according to dermatologist Dr Sam Bunting from Harley Street, "It took six weeks to see the difference in the skin so it is actually much less three days to see the improvement. Even so avoid excessive salt intake will help reduce excess water retention."


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