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10 Things that can worsen incontinence

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Incontinence is not just a women's issue because men can also experience beser due to prostate enlargement. If you are experiencing beser 10 things you should avoid this.

"Mild bladder leakage most experienced woman in his life. Although more common in older women, younger women may experience leakage as well," said Mary Rosser, MD, PhD, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City as reported by Health.com, Wednesday (26/10/2011).

The good news is that there are medications and lifestyle changes can help reduce incontinence. There are at least 10 things to avoid when being incontinence namely:

1. Balance the amount of fluid intake

It is no wonder that too much to drink can be a problem for people with incontinence. However, incontinence can not be avoided by reducing fluid intake closely.

Limiting drinking can actually cause dehydration, constipation, and kidney stones that can irritate the bladder and make symptoms worse.

"The right balance is essential for the body. Ideally is about two liters or eight cups of fluid a day," said Dr. Rosser. He added that the exact amount depends on lean body mass. If incontinence vulnerable place in the evening, cut fluid intake at night.

2. Stay away from alcohol

Alcohol is a diuretic that causes the body produce more urine so that it can trigger sudden incontinence. Alcohol can also irritate the bladder and will be a problem for people who are overactive bladder.

"Limiting the amount of alcohol of one drink a day will be able to help," said John L. Phillips, MD, program director of urology at New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY

3. Avoid coffee and tea

Coffee and tea contain caffeine are diuretics and can irritate the bladder such as alcohol.

"Caffeine causes irritation of the lining of the bladder. People who have bladder problems would be better to reduce the consumption of caffeine," says Dr. Phillips.

Coffee and tea that contain small amounts of caffeine does not seem better. For fans of caffeine, you should cut back slowly.

4. Do not eat chocolate first

Chocolate also contains caffeine which can cause problems for people with overactive bladder. Dark chocolate or milk, hot chocolate, or milk chocolate the same. When incontinence attack, it can cause problems.

5. Control of sugar

Controlling the intake of sweet foods may also help control the bladder. Sweet foods that contain honey, corn syrup, and fructose also can worsen bladder.

Artificial sweeteners are no better. Several studies have shown that artificial sweeteners also cause incontinence urgent.

"But that does not mean should not eat candy at all. Consumption of sugar will not cause problems if used as part of a balanced diet," says Dr. Phillips.

6. Avoid fizzy drinks

Cans of fizzy drinks have a double effect on the bladder because of its caffeine content and carbonation. Carbonated drinks aggravate symptoms incontinence proven.

"When someone suffers incontinence, we advise patients to reduce foods that contain artificial dyes, chemicals, caffeine, and advised to eat more natural food, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, including fruits and vegetables, and water," said Dr. Phillips.

7. Stay away from spicy foods

Research suggests that avoiding spicy foods, such as curry, cayenne, and pepper can reduce the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

"There are certain foods that trigger incontinence or cause an overactive bladder, including spicy foods," said Kristen Burns, nurse practitioner adult urology at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

8. Do not eat grapefruit first

Oranges contain vitamin C, but can be problematic for people with incontinence. Acidic foods and drinks such as grapefruit, oranges, limes, lemons, and even tomatoes, can irritate the bladder and worsen symptoms incontinence.

"The muscles of the bladder has a type of nerve can be affected by irritants, such as acidic foods, which can aggravate symptoms of urgency," said Burns.

9. No need to drink cranberry juice

Because it is often used to help control urinary tract infections and bladder infections, many people mistakenly think that cranberry juice may also help relieve symptoms of an overactive bladder.

Unfortunately, cranberry juice can actually make symptoms worse because incontinence acidity. "Cranberry juice is not a good choice for someone who has active bladder because of its acid content," said Burns.

10. Checks are taking any medication

Certain heart medications, blood pressure-lowering medications, muscle relaxants drugs, tranquilizers, and other drugs can make beser worse.

"The effect of diuretics remove excess fluid from the body so the heart and other organs can function more efficiently. This causes the liquid load increases to the bladder," said Dr. Rosser.

Talk to your doctor about prescription medications that may cause incontinence. Do not reduce or stop using it themselves. Avoid too many drugs that contain caffeine.


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