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3 Drinks a Glut

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3 Drinks a Glut and Do you want to reduce calories in order to lose weight? You could try taking three types of liquid: low-fat milk, water, and olive oil. According to studies, three fluids are able to make you more satisfied, thereby reducing calorie intake and prevent weight gain.

Find out how it works.

1. Low-fat milk.
People who drink about 600 ml low-fat milk at breakfast, lunch usually will consume much less, than those who drank fruit juice at breakfast. According to the researchers, the protein in low fat milk, water contained in the whey and casein milk-enough to make the filling.

2. Of water.
There have been many studies which suggest that people who drink enough water will feel fuller and will consume far fewer calories throughout the day, compared with people who do not drink enough water. People who are diligent in drinking water also tend to not want to drink sweetened beverages such as sodas, coffee drinks that contain high calories, and sports drinks. If you drink about 475 ml of water before each meal, you also will be easier and faster to lose weight.

3. Olive oil.
Versatile fluid is usually used to make salad becomes more palatable. Moreover, olive oil enriched with olive acid, a compound that can meet your satiety. Acids which include monounsaturated fats has led to small intestine made ​​of fat-like substance that transmits satiety signals from the stomach to the brain. Other foods that contain high olive acid include sunflower seed, canola oil, almonds, and avocados.


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