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Opponent Influenza with This Food

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Although the flu is a disease that easily found in everyday society, but this disease can reduce productivity. Especially for those with bad immune systems, exposed to the flu virus can cause them to have rest days in bed.

According to Wendy Bazilian, a public health physician and registered dietitian, there are some diet that is believed to have the ability to fight the flu. These foods work by strengthening the immune system as well as against bacteria and viruses.

1. Pumpkin
As with other orange vegetables, like sweet potatoes and carrots, pumpkins are very high content of beta-carotene - a powerful antioxidant that helps build the body's cellular defense system, Bazilian said.

2. Kiwi
One medium kiwi fruit supplies more than one day requirement of vitamin C, more than oranges. Some other foods high in vitamin C include red peppers, kale and broccoli. Put at least 1-2 vitamin C rich foods in your daily servings.

3. Protein
"Foods such as poultry meat and beans has been associated with increased immunity. They are the best sources of protein, zinc and iron, which is an essential nutrient for an effective immune response," said Bazilian. In general, healthy adults should meet the needs of 5-7 ounces of cooked meat, poultry or fish, or about 1-2 cups of cooked dry beans in the daily menu

4. Yogurt
Research shows that foods and beverages that contain probiotics, or live bacteria, can treat and prevent some diseases and help boost our immune system. In some types of food, bacteria can not survive in the processing, so it is important to read labels to ensure that the product contains live and active cultures.

5. Milk
During cold or rainy season, most people do not get enough vitamins from sunlight. In fact, vitamin D is essential for immunity. It is important to seek other sources of vitamin D through fortified milk, cereals and juices, as well as salmon, tuna and egg yolks. Enter at least 2-3 servings of foods rich in vitamin D every day.


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