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Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough red blood cells to meet the need of oxygen your body tissues. If you are affected by anemia, you will feel very weak. Anemia can be temporary or long and can vary from mild to severe.
If you are affected by anemia, should immediately see your doctor because anemia can be signs of serious illness. Pemberin treatment of anemia can be a supplement to medical action. You can prevent anemia by eating nutritious foods.


Signs and symptoms of anemia include: 
• Weak
• Pale 
• Rapid heart rate or irregular
• Shortness of breath
• Pain in chest
• Dizziness 
• Hands and feet were cold
• Headache

Causes & Risk Factors

Blood consists of plasma and cells. There are three types of blood cells: 
• White blood cells (leukocytes). This is useful blood cells to fight infection. 
• Platelets / platelets. These blood cells help the blood freeze when injured. 
• White blood cells (erythrocytes). These red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs through the bloodstream to the brain and other organs and tissues. The body needs the oxygen supply to function. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin which is a protein that kayak with iron which gives it a red color.

Lots of blood cells produced by bone marrow. To be able to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin, your body needs iron, minerals, protein and other vitamins from the foods you eat.

Common causes of anemia 
Anemia occurs when the body produces too few red blood cells, loses too many red blood cells or red blood cells kill more than replace them. Some types of anemia and their causes are:
• Iron deficiency anemia. The cause of this type of anemia is iron deficiency in the body. Bone marrow needs iron to make hemoglobin. Without enough iron, your body will not produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells.
• Vitamin deficiency anemia. In addition to iron, the body also requires folate and vitamin B-12 to produce enough red blood cells. Lower food intake of these substances and other essential nutrients can cause decreased production of red blood cells. In addition, some people can not effectively absorb vitamin B-12.
• Anemia of chronic disease. Certain chronic diseases, eg cancer and HIV / AIDS. Can affect the production of red blood cells, resulting in chronic anemia. Renal failure can also cause anemia.
• Aplastic anemia. This species is very rare and is a life-threatening conditions. This is caused by reduced ability of bone marrow to produce all three types of blood cells. The cause is unknown.
• Anemias associated with bone marrow disease. Conditions such as leukemia and myelodysplasia may cause anemia leading to blood production in the spinal cord is reduced.
• Hemolytic anemias. This occurs when red blood cells were destroyed faster and spinal cord are not able to compensate by producing a red blood cell substitute. Certain diseases such as disorders of the blood may be the cause. And autoimmune disorders of the body can cause the body to produce antibodies to red blood cells that destroy red blood cells.
• Sickle cell anemia. This type of anemia is caused by a defect form of hemoglobin that makes red blood cells are formed like a sickle. These red blood cells die prematurely and lead to chronic conditions to lack of red blood cells.
• Anemia others. This type of anemia is different from the others, including thalassemia and the anemia caused by a defect of hemoglobin.

Risk factors
Some factors that may increase the chance of anemia include: 

• Low intake of nutrients in food.
 • Health problems of the small intestine or operations related to the small intestine. 
• Menstruation. 
• Pregnancy. 
• Chronic conditions such as cancer, kidney failure or liver failure. 
• Heredity.

Certain infections such as blood and autoimmune disorders, exposure to toxic chemicals, and use some drugs that affect the production of red blood cells and cause anemia.
Other risks are diabetes, alcohol and people who become strict vegetarians and less intake of iron or vitamin B-12 on food.


Many types of anemia can not be prevented. But you can help prevent iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency anemias with healthy foods that contain:
Iron. Can be found in meat. Another type is nuts, colored dark green vegetables, dried fruit, and others.

Folate. Can be found in citrus, banana, dark green vegetables, beans, cereals and pasta.

Vitamin B-12. This vitamin is found in many meat and dairy.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps iron absorption. Foods that contain vitamin C include oranges, melons and berries.

Foods that contain iron is important for those who need such high iron in children, menstruating women and pregnant women. Adequate iron intake is also important for infants, vegetarians and athletes.


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