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Skin Wrinkles Signs Start Porous Bones

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Skin Wrinkles Signs Start Porous Bones and want to know the health of the bone without any hassle? Just check the wrinkles on your face. The more the lining, the worse your bone density. This is especially true for menopausal women.

Bones and skin are built by a group of proteins called collagen. Age will reduce the amount of collagen so that skin elasticity is reduced and skin come into wrinkles. Decrease the amount of collagen will also affect the bones.

In his research, dr. Lubna Pal, reproductive endocrinologists from Yale School of Medicine conducted a study of 114 women in her late 40's and early 50's years. The women are known to menstruate in the last three years and not taking hormone medication. These women also did not perform cosmetic procedures for skin tightening.

In addition to asking respondents to assess their own levels of wrinkles on their faces, especially the face and neck, the researchers also measured the elasticity of skin with a device called a durometer. The researchers also measured the bone density by X-rays.

The result, women who have wrinkles at most proved to have the worst bone density than women whose skin is still supple. Pal said, still more in-depth study is needed to ascertain whether the risk of osteoporosis later determination can be done by looking at the condition of the skin.


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