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3 Types of Compulsory Exercise to Keep Fit

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In order for the body furthest from the disease, you need to exercise regularly. Whose name is sports, many kinds. You may often hear a lot of input from others. The good sport like this and that and eventually you become confused.

According to Bob Greene, renowned sports coach in the United States, there are actually three types of exercise you need to do in everyday life. Know what are the three types of exercise it and how you can achieve it:

1. Cardio
This type of exercise is important if you want to lose weight or simply maintain it at the ideal level.

Portion of the exercise: About 6 hours a week at middle or rather high intensity. "At this intensity, you will need to draw a deep breath so that the energy expended is also quite large," said Greene.

Examples of exercises: Cycling or walking for an hour, six days a week. Or, swim for 75 minutes, five days a week.

2. Weight training
This exercise will burn calories at the same time tighten the muscles in the body. By practicing regularly, burning calories even will continue to run until when you're asleep. Weight training is also good for maintaining bone mass, so avoid the risk of osteoporosis.

Portion of the exercise: Two to three times a week. Use a load that suits your needs-not too light so there is no challenge, but also not too heavy that could cause injury.

Examples of exercises: any movement by using a dumbbell or weight with the help of machines. Do some variation of movement so that it can tighten the muscles in various areas of the body, ranging from the abdomen, back, arms, shoulders, legs up.

3. Functional fitness
The meaning here is functional fitness exercises that can help train our strength and dexterity in carrying out daily activities. This type of exercise will also make two other types of exercise can be undertaken more easily, while protecting you from injury. Functional fitness exercises also help to train the body's flexibility, or flexibility, balance and coordination. In addition, this exercise can also help improve posture and "polish" your movements until he could look more graceful.

Portion of the exercise: better every day.

Examples of exercises: Different types of stretching, ranging from sit-ups, push-ups, to other types of exercises that can be done with or without additional expense. Are also included in this category is the practice of yoga or Pilates.


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