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Renal Lithiasis

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DEFINITION Kidney stones (renal lithiasis) are small, hard lumps that form inside your kidneys. Kidney stones are made of mineral and acid salts. Kidney stones can be caused by many things. In a common scenario, kidney stones form when urine is concentrated, minerals crystallize and agglomerate.
Kidney stones and painful. Kidney stone pain usually starts on the sides or back, under her hips and moves to the lower abdomen and groin. Pain change with the movement of kidney stones in the urinary tract.
Kidney stones usually cause no permanent harm. Treatment of pain and drink lots of water is part of the treatment is often needed. However, treatment can help prevent the formation of kidney stones in those with increased risk.

Kidney stones can or not cause signs and symptoms until the stone moves in the pipe that connects the ureter, kidney and bladder. At one point, the signs and symptoms that can occur are:
  1. • Severe pain on the sides or back, under her hips
  2. • Pain that spreads to the lower body and groin
  3. • Pain during urination
  4. • Urine pink, red or brown
  5. • Nausea and vomiting
  6. • Frequent urination
  7. • Fever and chills when infection occurs

Causes & Risk Factors Cause
Kidney stones are often not defined with a single cause. Several factors are often combined, create a condition where a person susceptible to kidney stones.
Kidney stones form when urine-component fluid and various minerals and acid-lost balance. When this happens, your urine there is more substance to crystallize, such as calcium, oxalate and uric acid, rather than liquids. At the same time, there are substances in your urine that crystallize and agglomerate to form kidney stones. This makes the condition in which kidney stones are more likely to form.

The types of kidney stones:

• calcium stones. Many kidney stones are calcium stones are usually shaped calcium oxalate. High levels of oxalate which can be found in some fruits and vegetables, nuts and chocolate. Your liver also produces oxalate. Food, high-dose vitamin D, digestive tract surgery and multiple metabolic abnormalities may increase the concentration of calcium or oxalate in the urine. Calcium stones can also occur in the form of calcium phosphate.  
• struvite stones. Struvite stones are formed in response to infection, such as urinary tract infections. Struvite stones can grow rapidly and become quite large. 
• uric acid stones. It is formed in those who become dehydrated, those who ate foods high in protein and those who have gout. Certain genetic factors and abnormalities in blood-producing tissues also can make you prone to uric acid stones. 
• cystine stones. This type of kidney stones have a little case. These stones are formed in those who have a hereditary disorder that causes the kidneys to produce amino acids (cystinuria) given in large quantities.  
• Other Stone. Another rare case of kidney stones may also occur.
Knowing the type of kidney stone that you can naturally help you understand what causes kidney stones are formed and can provide clues of what you can do to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Risk factors
Risk factors that may increase kidney stones may include:

• Having someone in the family with cases of kidney stones  
• Those aged 40 years or older, although kidney stones can occur at any age 
• Men are more likely to have kidney stones 
• Dehydration 
• Certain foods are high in protein, high sodium and sugar can increase the risk of some types of kidney stones 
• Obesity 
• Have an illness or surgery on the digestive tract 
• other medical conditions, including renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, hyperparathyroidism, and certain urinary tract infections

Lifestyle changes: 

• Drinking enough water every day 
• Eat fewer foods rich in oxalate, such as spinach, sweet potatoes, tea, chocolate and soy products
• Choose foods low in salt and animal protein 
• Eat foods rich in calcium, however, restrict the use of calcium supplements


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