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5 Super Foods That Produce Energy

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Spend all day working outside the home was very tiring and draining a lot of thought and effort. Maybe some of us never think to look for ways how to get back the energy that has been depleted. not to worry. You can get back the energy lost during the day by resting and eating the right foods and nutritious. Here are some types of foods and beverages that can help speed up your stamina recovery:

1. Ginseng tea

Ginseng tea has been known for centuries as the best antioxidant and cure all ills. In addition, also, ginseng is a stimulant that can provide increased energy and concentration. The warmth of ginseng tea will provide a calming effect on your nerves, and gives you extra energy to do the "night duty".

2. Banana

Bananas contain three natural sugars ie, sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Banana is the right choice for an instant energy boost. Bananas also contain fiber, which helps maintain glucose levels in your blood, thus giving you a stable energy source during long periods of time.

3. Cheese

In a piece of cheese contained high levels of amino acid tyramine, which is known for its ability to stimulate the secretion of hormones in the body stimulant. However, you also have to remain vigilant and do not eat to excess. Because the amino acid tyramine elements contained in the cheese is expected to trigger headaches. These elements can reduce the levels of serotonin in the brain that interfere with blood flow.

4. Strawberries

Benefits of red fruit is very large, because it is low in calories. In a serving of strawberries (about eight medium sized strawberries) contains a very high fiber and the best sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C in strawberries acts as an antioxidant that helps repair body tissue, improve immunity, and fighting free radicals.

5. Wheatgrass (wheat grass)

Wheat grass is a food rich in nutrients. In fact, it contains 25 times more nutrients than vegetables. Many people eat wheat grass juice to improve general health. Wheat grass juice contains so many beneficial nutrients such as chlorophyll, minerals, and vitamins A, B complex, C, E, and K, protein and 17 amino acids that are easily absorbed in human blood.


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